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How to Handle Aggression in Care Homes:

Oct 17, 2023 | Health

When someone is acting aggressively, it can manifest in different ways, like yelling, hitting, biting, kicking, or throwing things. When a caregiver sees any of these behaviors, it’s important to respond calmly and without judgment. This can help to prevent the situation from escalating further.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aggressive behaviors in the United States are a significant problem. One study found that approximately one in five adults with mental illness displayed aggressive behaviors, and these behaviors were more common among those who had a history of substance abuse or homelessness. The study also found that aggressive behaviors were more likely to occur in urban areas.

Impacts of Aggresive Behaviours

  • One of the most significant impacts of aggressive behaviors is the toll they take on the people around them. For example, caregivers who are regularly exposed to aggressive behaviors can experience significant stress and burnout. They may also feel less satisfied with their jobs and have higher rates of absenteeism. And family members of people with aggressive behaviors can also experience high levels of stress and anxiety. The consequences of aggressive behaviors can ripple out to affect entire communities.
  • Another important impact of aggressive behaviors is the financial cost they impose on the healthcare system. For example, aggressive behaviors often lead to hospitalization, which can be very expensive. And when aggressive behaviors are not managed effectively, they can also lead to costly lawsuits. Additionally, the stress and anxiety caused by aggressive behaviors can lead to an increase in the use of healthcare services, which can also be very costly.
  • Aggressive behaviors can also have a negative impact on the physical health of the people who exhibit them. For example, aggressive behaviors have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions. They can also lead to an increased risk of self-harm and suicide. And finally, aggressive behaviors can have a significant impact on the social functioning of people who exhibit them. They may have difficulty maintaining relationships, and they may feel isolated and alone.

How to reduce These Impacts

Great! Now, let’s talk about how these impacts can be reduced.

  • One way to reduce the negative impacts of aggressive behaviors is to improve access to mental health services. Early intervention and treatment can help to reduce the risk of aggression and improve the quality of life for people who exhibit these behaviors.
  • Better support systems for caregivers and families can also be helpful in reducing the negative impacts of aggression.
  • In reducing the negative impacts of aggression is to identify and address any underlying causes of the aggression. This can include things like addressing any unmet basic needs, such as food, shelter, and safety.
  • it’s important to identify and treat any underlying mental health conditions that may be contributing to the aggression. Once the underlying causes have been addressed, then the specific interventions we discussed earlier can be implemented.

Strategies in Responding to Agression in Care Homes:

  • One of the most important strategies for responding to aggression in care homes is to stay calm and use a non-confrontational approach. This means using a neutral tone of voice, maintaining eye contact, and keeping a respectful distance from the person who is exhibiting aggression.
  • It’s also important to avoid power struggles and not to make threats or ultimatums. Instead, it’s best to offer choices and to give the person who is exhibiting aggression a sense of control over the situation.
  • “De-escalation.” This is a technique that involves using non-verbal and verbal communication to reduce the intensity of the aggressive behavior. For example, this might involve using a soft tone of voice, using open body language, and making encouraging statements.
  • Additionally, it’s important to use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. For example, saying “I understand that you’re upset” is better than saying “you’re being unreasonable.”
  • Its also important to mention the role of the environment in reducing aggression. It’s been found that environments that are clean, well-lit, and calm can help to reduce the risk of aggression.
  • It’s important to have a system in place for reporting and documenting any incidents of aggression. This can help to identify any patterns or triggers that may be contributing to the aggression.

Ethical Issues that arise from Agression in Care Homes


  • Some of the ethical issues that arise in this context. For example, there is often a tension between the rights of the individual who is exhibiting aggression and the rights of others in the care home. The first ethical issue we’ll discuss is the individual’s right to autonomy. This is the idea that the individual has the right to make their own decisions about their care. However, this can be difficult to balance with the need to ensure their safety. For example, if an individual is exhibiting aggression, they may be a danger to themselves or others. In this case, they may need to be placed in a locked unit or given medication to reduce their aggression.
  • One approach to balancing the individual’s right to autonomy with their safety is called “least restrictive care.” This means that any restrictions placed on the individual’s autonomy should be as limited as possible. For example, if the individual is displaying verbal aggression, it may be more appropriate to try to de-escalate the situation through verbal techniques rather than physical restraint.
  • There is often a tension between the individual’s right to autonomy and the need to ensure their safety. And finally, there is often a tension between the need to respect the individual’s dignity and the need to provide appropriate care.


  • Another ethical issue is the importance of providing care in a way that respects the individual’s dignity. This is especially important when the individual is experiencing a loss of control due to their condition. For example, if an individual with Alzheimer’s is exhibiting aggression, it’s important to remember that they may not be able to control their actions. In this case, it’s important to provide care in a way that is respectful and understanding.
  • The importance of providing care in a way that respects the individual’s dignity. This is especially important when the individual is experiencing a loss of control due to their condition. For example, if an individual with Alzheimer’s is exhibiting aggression, it’s important to remember that they may not be able to control their actions. In this case, it’s important to provide care in a way that is respectful and understanding.

Challenges with Balancing Ethical Issues :

  • Challenges that arise when trying to balance these different *ethical considerations. One challenge is the difficulty of determining what is in the best interest of the individual. This can be especially difficult when the individual is unable to communicate their own preferences.
  • Another challenge is the tension between respecting an individual’s right to autonomy and the need to prevent harm. For example, if an individual with dementia is refusing to take their medication, it can be difficult to balance their right to make decisions about their own care with the need to ensure that they receive the care they need.
  • The difficulty of balancing the needs of the individual with the needs of their family members or loved ones. For example, a family member may want the individual to receive a certain type of care, even if it’s not what the individual wants. This can create a difficult situation for the care team, who need to consider the interests of all parties involved.

All of these complex issues! It’s clear that there are many challenges that arise when caring for individuals with cognitive impairments. One way to address these challenges is through the use of ethical frameworks. These frameworks provide a structure for thinking about and resolving ethical dilemmas.

There are a variety of ethical frameworks that can be used in this context. One framework is called the “four principles” approach. This approach considers four key principles: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.

The “four principles” approach involves balancing the four principles in order to make the best decision for the individual in question.

  • Autonomy refers to the individual’s right to make their own decisions, while
  • Beneficence refers to the obligation to do good.
  • Non-maleficence refers to the obligation to do no harm, and
  • Justice refers to the obligation to treat everyone fairly. When applying this approach, each of these principles is considered, and the decision that best balances them is chosen.

Bottom Line

Caring for individuals with cognitive impairments raises a variety of ethical issues. These issues can be complex and challenging, but by considering the relevant ethical principles, it’s possible to make decisions that are ethical and respectful of all involved.

This is an ongoing challenge, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, by staying informed and using the appropriate tools, it’s possible to make decisions that are as ethical as possible.

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